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A bell doll (purple and green)

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A doll in the shape of a bell - an example of hand made Lowicz ceramics. It constitutes the original artistic handicraft combining traditional folk motifs with a modern design. A meticulous forming in clay of pleades of the figurine’s dress and their colorful painting attract attention.
  • Dimensions: 12 x 16 cm
  • Matériau: argile
95,00 zł

A doll in the shape of a bell - an example of hand made Lowicz ceramics. It constitutes the original artistic handicraft combining traditional folk motifs with a modern design. A meticulous forming in clay of pleades of the figurine’s dress and their colorful painting attract attention.

Manufacturing of this sort of craft is a labour – intensive and multi-stage process: starting from drying of several days,  treatment  during the drying process – making a rite of a pattern, through a twofold firing and a meticulous painting with colorful glaze. The bisque firing – a technique applied to manufacturing of this sort of ceramics takes from 9 – 10 hours under the temperature of 920 degrees Celsius. The last stage is refining painted elements with acrylic paints.

Artistic finishing of the ceramics is also worth paying attention to  - on the bottom of the figurine there are shoes constituting a bell. We recommend the product as an original souvenir from Poland or a gift for Mums.

Lowicz ceramics represents an artistic handicraft – colorful like the entire Lowicz folklore, which expresses itself by extraordinary patterns. Manufacturing of this sort of craft is a multistage and labour-intensive process. It starts from making a project, next comes shaping in clay, slow drying takes even up to 7 days, as quick drying may cause deformation and breaking. Treatment during drying and in the course of drying comes next and then the first firing in an electric stove. After drying stage, a ceramics is being painted. In order to obtain colorful, and not overrun stripes, characteristic for Lowicz folklore, one needs much precision, facility and attention. The last stage is the second firing of already painted ceramics. This is how an authentic Polish ceramics comes into being, which will constitute an original gift for a foreigner, a souvenir from Poland or a wedding gift.

My Poland - l'art populaire polonais - céramique originaleMrs. Dębska is the artist of this unique craft – Lowicz ceramics. The craft she makes is pure, from the bottom of heart folk art, but in a slightly modern style. Mrs. Dębska’s ceramics is an example of original Lowicz handicraft, which pleases not only the Poles but also more often foreigners.

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