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LE SAVIEZ-VOUS ... Nature gave main inspiration for the crepe flower manufacturing: field flowers, poppies, daisies, cornflowers, forget-me-nots.

Rose necklace (long) - mono collection

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Necklace from the authorial jewellery collection, designed by fashion designer - Joanna Misztela, in cooperation with masters of Polish handicraft.  Necklace with a flower of rose.  It comes from an authorial collections designed by fashion designer – Joanna Misztela, in cooperation with masters
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  • Dimensions: lenght of the leather: 47 cm, the flower: diameter: 8 cm
  • Matériau: crepe, eco leather, metal
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103,00 zł

Necklace from the authorial jewellery collection, designed by fashion designer - Joanna Misztela, in cooperation with masters of Polish handicraft. 

Necklace with a flower of rose.  It comes from an authorial collections designed by fashion designer – Joanna Misztela, in cooperation with masters of Polish handicraft. Traditional flowers, hand - made from crepe are combined with a modern design. The flowers are fixed in a metallic socket and hung on a leather. The leather can be adjusted, so that the length of the necklace can fit any individual preferences.  

Elaborate crepe flower craft, modern look of the flowers and elegant, metallic finishing give the result of a fashionable and elegant adornment.

The flower is made from Italian crepe characterized by extraordinary durability. One should however avoid contact with water or any liquid, so that the flower is not discolored. The jewellery has been tasted in wearing, properly used will be a durable adornment.

The necklace is available in four color versions: with white, navy-blue, yellow or pink rose.

Crepe flower handicraft is connected with home decorations. This sort of decorations used to be prepared in the occasion of Christmas. Long and freezing winter evenings favored  meetings of housewive, who thanks to crepe flowers wanted to fill again their houses with colors.

This is the nature, which gave the biggest inspiration for “florists” – this is how women practicing crepe flower handicraft used to call themselves . Therefore ornaments created by them usually depicted flowers existing in nature: poppies, cornflowers, forget –me –nots, etc.

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Naszyjnik margerytki (długi) - kolekcja kolorowa

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Naszyjnik margerytki (długi) - kolekcja kolorowa

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Naszyjnik margerytki (długi) - kolekcja kolorowa

Daisy bracelet - mono...

Bracelet with a flower of daisy - authorial jewellery, hand-made, designed ...
101,00 zł
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Naszyjnik margerytki (długi) - kolekcja kolorowa

Necklace with roses (...

Necklace from the authorial jewellery collection , designed by fashion ...
103,00 zł
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Naszyjnik margerytki (długi) - kolekcja kolorowa

Peony necklace (long...

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91,00 zł
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Naszyjnik margerytki (długi) - kolekcja kolorowa

Daisy necklace (long)...

Necklace with two flowers of white daisies. It comes from an authorial ...
91,00 zł
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Rose necklace (long)  - mono collection

Rose necklace (long)...

Necklace from the authorial jewellery collection , designed by fashion...
103,00 zł
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